In August, Bob, Eric and myself got together for Star Trek: Settlers of Cataan. We set up the map in the usual manner and each drew our respective Star Trek character cards for additional advantage. I picked my usual #5 spot on the map as well as a #8 for good measure.

We basically were tied throughout the game but the breakout point came when Eric starting pulling the development cards and then proceeded to construct the longest road. In due time, Eric pulled ahead by also having the largest fleet (largest army) and gaining another 2 victory points.
Bob did pull ahead a bit by upgrading his outposts to starbases. Unfortunately, I was not so lucky or smart or both. I was only able to upgrade 2 of my outposts whereas Bob was able to upgrade all of his for a grand total of 8 points.
Eric did indeed win the game when he finally reached 10 points with both the longest road and largest fleet. Great job Eric! Bob came in second with 8 points and I came in third with 6 points.
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