Thursday, December 1, 2011

Wargame Night 11-11

Once again, Bob, Tim, Wayne, Denny and myself played Twilight Imperium. We were expecting Ross but unfortunately he was a no show. At any rate, when were setting up the map I decided to place an artifact worth one victory point in the wormhole nexus on the planet of Malice. Because of that one decision, nearly the entire universe came crashing down on the Wormhole Nexus and after the smoke had settled it was Wayne who was last man standing. In fact, I believe it was one of the most, if not the most, decisive win made by a TI3 player since we have playing Twilight and kudos should go out to Wayne for a magnificent win. Bob came in a distant second and the rest of us huddled around third place.

We'll get you next time Wayne!

Wargame Night 10-11

Not much to report but that we did play Twilight Imperium and it was a very close game between Bob and Tim. The rest of us, myself, Eric and Wayne battled for third, if I recall. But Tim somehow nudged Bob out of first place and won the game.

We'll get you next time Tim!