Well, another year and another Kriegspiel Tournament come and gone! 2016 went fast and furious with the new tournament scoring that kept things simple and sweet. If you showed up for game-day then you got points. If you didn't show up then you got no points. If you got first in a game then you got 10 points. Second got you 8 points and so on. Sixth place and lower got an automatic one point. If you were a no-show for game-day then you got zero points. At the end of the tournament we decided to adjust for missed days as well and decided to throw out from the scores the lowest two monthly totals to round out the year. Thus, the final score had Bob in First Place at 80 points and Tim in Second Place at 74 points. Everyone else was somewhere in the 40's!
There was a sudden dash for Third Place by Luke who was trying to overtake me at the end of the Tournament but alas he just couldn't quite pull it out and I did come in third but barely. I came in with 42 points with Luke at 40 points. Eric did end up with a score of 36 points after adjusting for missed days. Thus, Third Place could have gone to either one of us. Joey and Josh were added together as either one would show up for game day depending on their schedules. Thus, one would play for the other and their final score came to 28 points after adjusting for missed days.
Bob had an exceptional year in 2016 as nearly every game night ended up with him in First in Twilight Imperium. Tim also had a good year and he was gracious enough to insist that we throw out the two lowest scores to reflect a more true Tournament which favored Bob in the end.
Eric and Luke had a great year as well and their scores reflected as much. Luke is getting better and better each season and it is only a matter of time when he too will clutch the trophy in his hands. Joey and Josh are formidable players and someday their invasive strategies will pay off for them as well as the younger generation begins to learn that victory points are more important than destroying your opponent in space! However, how to destroy fleets is a lesson well learned from the more cynical and crustier Gen-Xers. Let's hear it for the X-Men! When will Generation Z claim the title of Kriegspiel Champion?

As an added bonus this year we decided to mix it up a bit by including "House Rules" and tweaking the game for added fun in Twilight Imperium. Each race would start off with their Flagship included with the initial set-up at the beginning of the game. Also, each race could also start with a Racial Tech of their choice included for free in their tech-tree at the beginning as well. Everyone was in agreement that this was a good idea. Finally, we included the "Gamma Quadrant" to the game which was another area of the game board that could only be entered by going through a wormhole, Wormhole - A to be exact. The Malice system does have two wormholes and it would serve as a chokepoint if no other "A" wormholes were found on the starting game-board. I included the second Mecatol Rex planetary system for added fun and included an ancient artifact as well as a domain counter that either would be a Lazax Survivor, a hostile native PDS unit, or a Settler faction depending on a random drawing of these three domain counters at the initial setup. This Mecatol Rex system was considered the "Founders" home world in this quadrant of our make believe universe. All rules that applied to Mecatol Rex would only apply to the original map board and would not affect the "Gamma Quadrant". The MR in the GQ is actually more productive and influential in that this planet has a production number of 3 and an influence number of 6! Thus, getting to the GQ and onto the Founders Homeworld was a prize worth fighting for and Tim naturally was the first to get over there. He in fact scored so well that in addition to a most valuable planet and probably THE most valuable planet in our Twilight Universe he also reconned the Lazax Survivor domain counter and found an active Ancient Artifact - a trifecta of Lazax proportions! Luck of the Irish? Perhaps.
Great job to everyone for another fun year in the "Tag"!