I played black, Bob played blue, Tim played red and Ross was yellow, er, played yellow.
As the game got going, it become clear that Bob was going to try hold every territory he had and not let one go to further his war aims. I decided therefore, to attack Bob in the southern area of Japan to force his hand upon Tim up north. I nearly drove Bob out of southern Japan except for one lone outpost of Kai. Naturally, the Herg beefed up this lone outpost to the hilt!
Needless to say, Bob held on to that outpost for the duration of the game much to my Japanese chagrin. However, in spite of Bob's intransigence, I was still able to consolidate my holdings in the entire pink zone and was the sole shogunate for that area. In addition, I was able to construct enough buildings to monopolize the region and earn extra points for the only Castle, Kabuki Theatre and Shinto Temple in that region. By the first year, I had a solid lead ahead of everyone else.
As the second and final year got going, Bob needed or some one needed to reduce Tim to fourth place but the dirty deed had yet to be done. Basically, as the Tim held up in the north it fell upon either Ross or Bob to destroy Tim's ability to consolidate his area before he would gather his points in the last season of the year. Both Bob and Ross did in fact battle Tim for central Japan but alas, by the fourth season in the second year, it was just too late. Tim held out with ease against a numerically superior but disunited enemy in the persons of Bob and Ross.
And so, the final act of the final night of Kriegspiel Nacht 2012 was befitting with Ross' head rolling down the hallway and Tim taking the now famous and infamous silver trophy and claiming the title of Kriegspiel Champion of 2012.
The final tournament score was:
Tim: 32 points
Bob: 35 points
Bruce: 50 points
Ross: 59 points
Wayne: 75 points
Eric: 105 points
I have to say that Tim played exceptionally well regardless of the type of game played. Bob also played extremely well coming back from way behind to almost take the cup. I had a rather rough year as I kept on getting 3rd or 4th place almost every month. Ross, being the rookie, suffered for his lack of experience, however, I have a sneaky suspicion that 2013 is going to be more competitive for him. Wayne actually did very well and could have clinched it this year had he not moved away to Tennessee. As for Eric, well hopefully, 2013 will be a more productive year and I would just love to see him take the Trophy for 2013 just to prove to everyone that indeed he can live up to his German origins and be the Hun he was always meant to be!
Now, with the advent of the New Year, the Kriegspiel Tournament begins anew with all scores reset to zero. Will Tim hold onto his well earned trophy or will another Champion arise to seize his prized possession?
Only time will tell.