Well, the last three months from July thru September Bob and Tim traded places between 1st and 2nd place. Bob went into the 3rd quarter finally arresting Tim's lead with a strong first place finish in June. However, even though July was a bad month for me, no other players were awarded for being absent from game night.
August saw Tim absent from game night and in spite of Bob's third place showing he did manage to pull ahead in the tournament score. One interesting side note, Wayne was well on his way in seizing first place from Tim and Bob were it not for his untimely move to Tennessee. Had he played in September and won 1st place it would have been quite possible that it would have been a 3-way battle for 1st place in the tournament at this time.
That being said, September's game night Bob did not show up and with Wayne gone, Tim made 1st place, again! Thus, Tim now takes a small but measurable lead over Bob but it is still his to lose. I'm afraid barring any unforeseen circumstances, this tournament is a battle royale between Tim and Bob. May the best man win!
As for the rest of us, I suppose we could play the "kingmaker" and like the Survivor Jury decide who we will "vote" for by attacking and defeating either one of them in pitched battles. Gunna get ugly, I'm sure.
As for the remaining "Holiday" 4th Quarter, good luck and good hunting.

Monday, September 24, 2012
3rd Quarter Kriegspiel Nacht Tournament Update
Friday, September 14, 2012
Wargame Night 09-12
Bruce - Clan of Saar
Frank - Mentak Coalition
Tim - Xxcha Empire
Ross - Naalu
We decided to build the galaxy with only a 3 ring map instead of our standard 4 ring map, thus making a smaller area to play in. We also wanted to build the galaxy with each hex tile facing down but Frank came up with a great idea that only the red-sided hex tiles should be left facing up so all players may see them and no red-sided hexes were to be placed next to each other thus ensuring rules and regulation integrity. So, most of the map was a sea of red with the exception of the red-sided hexes displaying nebulas, ion storms and supernovae for all to see and appropriately placed apart from each other.
As it was, as I went to explore my sphere of influence I kept finding nothing but empty space hexes! Basically, on such a small map I was surrounded by 6 hexes of empty space and 3 red-sided hexes that included a nebula, an ion storm and asteroids! Needless to say, I was starving for planets. Thankfully, I was the clan of Saar and could move my space docks but nevertheless, we were one hungry puppy! Very few planets left me with little choice but to take Mecatol Rex or invade someones homeworld. So I decided on Mecatol Rex.
Being that this was a 4 player game, we all had to choose two strategy agendas per turn and thus the public objective cards kept being placed every turn. Nevertheless, everyone was slow in getting points. On top of this, Ross unfortunately had to leave early and thus his empire was devoid of leadership. We decided to keep all of his forces on the map where they were and if we wanted to we could feed off the carcass of his empire should we feel the need. Which of course we did.
All of us by this time had barely registered on the victory point scale. Tim was in the lead with a mere 2 points albeit tied with the absent Ross and his 2 points. I believe Frank had 1 point and I had absolutely nothing to show for. As time was running out I grew desperate. Ross earlier had been given an action card which acted like the "Voice Of The Council" special objective card. Basically, you vote someone the voice of the jedi council and they get a single victory point. The caveat is if anyone however should attack the person who is the "voice" of the precious council and wins a planetary invasion then that person takes his special objective card from him and gets a free victory point. Well, needless to say, I was eyeing Ross' dieing empire and felt I could make a run for a planet that Ross occupied with no infantry present - a sure kill. However, Tim sent a lumbering task force of 3 dreadnaughts, cruisers and carriers to attack Ross and he unfortunately took away my only hope of getting the voice of the council card from Ross.
At this point in the game, Tim sat on 4 victory points and was poised to seize additional public and secret objective points that would give him an additional 4 points - a solid lead in a low point game. But alas, I remembered what Bob said about occupying homeworlds and depriving the occupied player of victory points until it is liberated. Well, I convinced Tim that everything was fine when I had built up my task force of ships on Mecatol and picked the War Agenda giving me the "Red Alert" token. I had an admiral and general in my expeditionary fleet and decided I should indeed attack Tim's homeworld to deprive him of at least getting 50% more victory points. However, Tim felt suspicious of my intentions and parked several ships in my path to his homeworld thus depriving me of a clean path as ships cannot pass thru fleets without engaging them first in each system they occupy. It was the last turn of the game and thus I needed to invade in one fell swoop and wouldn't you know it, I got an action card that allowed me to move through his occupied systems undetected!
And so, I invaded Tim's homeworld much to his chagrin on the very last turn of the game. I occupied his homeworld after battling a few meager fighters and infantry on his home planet. As a result, I was able to take the Voice of the Council away from him and deprive him of additional victory points because he had no way of retaking the planet back before end of game. The final scores were Tim in first place with 4pts. Frank in 2nd with 3pts. Myself in 3rd with 2 points and Ross dead last with zero points.
I'm hoping I haven't ruptured Tim's faith and total confidence in my trustworthiness. Really, it was only to deprive him of points. He still won the game. Friends, right? Comrades right, ha ha?
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Wargame Night 08-12
Wargame night commenced on August 11th and included Eric, Bob, Ross, Wayne and myself. Unfortunately, the loveable and huggable Wayne was to move to Tennessee and thus would be his last gamenight with us. We decided to play Twilight Imperium for old time's sake and the following races were randomly chosen.
Bruce - Barony of Letnev
Eric - Federation of Sol
Bob - Clan of Saar
Wayne - Xxacha
Ross - Sardokk Noir
We decided to build the galaxy with all hex tiles face down so as to add the mystery and suspense of space exploration. We allowed for red-sided hex tiles to be placed next to each other in what would normally be a "no-no" in TI3-SE. Thus, the likelihood for getting screwed was high. As the game got going it was clear that it was Bob that got screwed. He attempted to move onto Mecatol Rex but was completely surrounded by a supernova, nebula, and ion storm. He could have gone into the Nebula and then out through to the other side but just didn't have the stomach or patience for it. So he decided to attack Wayne and ended up occupying Wayne's homeworld. No small feat considering Wayne was playing the "turtlebacks" of the Xxcha Empire.
As it was, Wayne continued to take additional planets and occupy worlds that had artifacts and ended up being first place in his last game! Great job Wayne! I had occupied Mecatol Rex successfully for at least one turn before Ross came in and wiped me out to take MR for his secret objective. As a result, he made 2nd place. Bob as the Clan of Saar came in 3rd place with Eric in 4th and your host in dead last at 5th place!
Bob did bring to my attention, however, later that evening after everyone went home that anyone that occupies your homeworld with the sole exception of the Clan of Saar cannot obtain any public or secret objective points until his homeworld has been liberated. Thus, Wayne, by the rules, should have not been allowed to gather victory points. However, as the saying goes in Twilight Imperium, if we can't remember the rules then we suffer the "Fog Of War". Many a game nights have been lost by mis-interpretation and just down right forgetfulness on our part when it comes to the rules of the game. For Bob, I'm sure he'll never forget it.
Bruce - Barony of Letnev
Eric - Federation of Sol
Bob - Clan of Saar
Wayne - Xxacha
Ross - Sardokk Noir
As it was, Wayne continued to take additional planets and occupy worlds that had artifacts and ended up being first place in his last game! Great job Wayne! I had occupied Mecatol Rex successfully for at least one turn before Ross came in and wiped me out to take MR for his secret objective. As a result, he made 2nd place. Bob as the Clan of Saar came in 3rd place with Eric in 4th and your host in dead last at 5th place!
Bob did bring to my attention, however, later that evening after everyone went home that anyone that occupies your homeworld with the sole exception of the Clan of Saar cannot obtain any public or secret objective points until his homeworld has been liberated. Thus, Wayne, by the rules, should have not been allowed to gather victory points. However, as the saying goes in Twilight Imperium, if we can't remember the rules then we suffer the "Fog Of War". Many a game nights have been lost by mis-interpretation and just down right forgetfulness on our part when it comes to the rules of the game. For Bob, I'm sure he'll never forget it.
Wargame Night 07-12
July was a blow out. Gamenight was scrapped due to Andy's hospital stay. So I took the hit and added 10 pts to my tournament score. Everyone else got a pass and no points were "awarded" to the other players.
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